Author: Monster Team
Our knowledgeable team will keep you up to date with all the latest news from the CRE industry.
As a facility manager (FM), you know your building inside and out. You also understand the importance of healthy buildings and the role your HVAC system plays.
What can building owners, office managers and facilities managers do to alieve concerns about indoor air quality?
LED High Bay, Office and Exterior Lighting Retrofit Project at a 338,288 Square Foot Diversified World Class Manufacturer.
The CRE industry in new construction and design is taking steps in the right direction. Modular Construction is the off-site construction of commercial buildings including offices, temporary structures, high-rise multi-residential, hospitality and affordable housing structures and buildings has proven to be more environmentally friendly, as cost effective and actually allows for faster construction and can speed delivery of completed projects. Interior prefab of offices, healthcare, residential and institutional facilities is also becoming regognized as a very viable, cost effective and greener way to build-out interiors in commercial projects. Energy retrofits of our existing built environment is another great way to reduce energy consumption…
Regular Service and Maintenance of your Commercial HVAC System is Your Obligation as a Tenant
Before your company returns to the office; now is the time to review your workspace. The workspace design is a major component in both employees and employers alike need to be able to take pride in their workspace as a platform for growth and success
We’re still early in the game, but it’s imperative for the future success of the industry, that buyers and sellers continue to make progress in these areas of adoption and commit to the realization of the digital transformation dream.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to using your HVAC to prevent the spread of Covid-19
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, occupant health and wellbeing has rapidly become a new focal point in building management strategies.
After all, even as new vaccines come online to address COVID-19, most experts agree that the future will likely contain new viral threats to challenge us.